Merci beaucoup, Joyeuses Fêtes et Bonne Année 2018!
Mes chéris,
As 2017 is coming to a close, and some well deserved time-off is on the horizon, I'd like to take a moment to reflect on the past year. It's been an eventful one for sure, filled with many challenges but also opportunities for change and growth, both personally and for my sparkly labor of love.
Because designing and crafting jewelry truly is both labor and love. And I need to give some love back in the form of special thanks to some of my favorite people, without whose support I may not be able to keep pursuing this shiny dream of mine.
Warning: If you don't like feelings, stop reading now, I am about to get a bit sappy.
To my customers, MERCI BEAUCOUP! You are the reason I love sitting at my bench to come up with new jewels. I am grateful, and frankly, quite flattered, that you would purchase and gift and cherish these pieces I dream-up using recycled gold and colorful ethical gems, curtesy of Mother Earth. You make me feel understood as a designer, and help cast away any thought that leaving the dull world of corporate of finance for the brilliant one of jewelry was a folly. And if it was indeed a folly, well, thank you for coming along for the ride and making it more fun!
To my family in France, thank you for always believing in me, not matter what choices I make, and for allowing me to find my way, on my own terms but always with your guidance. Maman, papa, Lio & family, je vous aime tous très fort.
To Beth Anne Bonanno, thank you beyond words for taking me under your wing and welcoming me into your incubator within The EAB Project. I have learned so much, and worked hard with you to improve upon my designs, while taking the brand back to its core values and beyond, thanks to your creative vision. But above all this, I cherish your friendship and always on-point, badass advice! Love you! Unicorns are real, because you are one of them...
And I can't mention the rebranding without thanking Tiphaine Guillemet from T Branding for her talent, patience and skills throughout this all process. It wouldn't have been possible without you! Je t'adore, chérie!
To Emily Lombardi, thank you for helping the jewels shine in their best light by letting me use you as my model. You helped the new brand vision come to life more than you can imagine, and I couldn't love the resulting look book more! Also, I am so grateful, and lucky, that we are besties!
To the jewelry industry, particularly my NYC crew, thank you for welcoming me and giving me the opportunity to meet so many talented, like-minded souls. #gembesties, you know who are!
May you all have a charmed rest of the year and a sparkly, healthy, abundant 2018!
PS: We are closed next week, and I will be busy plotting my next beach getaway. If you have urgent jewelry needs, the best way to reach me will be via instagram!