Article: La muse inspiratrice - Le Boheme Charm Holder

La muse inspiratrice - Le Boheme Charm Holder
Inspiration. It's elusive. Most days it'll evade me. On others, rarest but luckiest days, it will invade me.
It's an exciting feeling when things click into place (pun intended). Cue in the Boheme Clicker Charm ring.
If you know me, you know that I've long worn my family charms (well, at least the ones who survived my UES apartment being burglarized many years ago - but I digress) on the pearl shortener top left on the picture. Mom does too, it's a family trait, I guess.
And that if you asked me to make you one, I'd direct you to my favorite findings place in NYC, because I didn't make it, and would have felt dishonest selling it. If you were nice, I may even gift you one.
This year, I finally created my own version, using my Bohème ring design (top right, first designed for the late Samana Collection in the summer of 2012). Hence was born the Boheme Clicker Charm ring.
And I made two sizes, because even though the original one is pretty darn good and I wanted something similar in size and functionality, I also wanted a big one for you all to lug your charms like I do, should it strike your fancy.
Happy #neckstack ensued